
AV Hire at Titanic Hotel and Rum Warehouse Liverpool

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Liverpool conference production specialists Adlib won the contract to provide conference production, audio visual and staging for a Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Event at Rum Warehouse Liverpool as part of the International Festival of Business.

Event Design and Production

As part of the International Festival of Business which was held in Liverpool for the first time in 2014, Adlib won a competitive tender process to supply a major Liverpool Chamber of Commerce event held in The Rum Warehouse at Titanic Hotel. The two-day event included a daytime conference, evening gala dinner, awards ceremony and live entertainment.

After providing initial event designs and budget to the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce events team in February, Adlib conducted a number of site visits to co-ordinate the requirements with this new venue who were yet to host a single event – let alone one of this size and complexity.

In the months and weeks leading up to the event, Adlib chaired up a series of event production meetings to ensure that all key stakeholders were properly engaged and co-ordinated ensuring a seamless delivery on site.

Stage Set Design and Construction

The requirement was for a stage set that would give a formal, corporate look to the daytime conference but which could be transformed for the gala dinner, awards ceremony and live entertainment. It was imperative that there was good visibility of the screens for all members of the audience.

Adlib elaborated on the event brief supplied by the client to increase the design from a two to three screen stage set. This meant that the slides could be shown on the central screen with a live video feed on the other two. The addition of fabric “sails” for the evening event incorporated some of Liverpool’s maritime history into the design whilst ensuring a different and less formal look to the evening event when combined with high impact lighting.

The stage set design included two branded lecterns and a branded top table for the conference panel discussions.

AV Hire

With a warehouse based just outside Liverpool city centre, Adlib were able to supply all of the audio visual and staging equipment required from their own stock which enabled transport and logistics costs to be minimised ensuring that as much of the budget as possible could be spent on the visual impact of the event.

Sound System

The sound system was designed to ensure deliver of clear speech for all of the 500 delegates from lecterns and the top table whilst also allowing high impact music stings and live music performance.


Stage lighting was provided to ensure good visibility of the presenters throughout the event with lighting on the stage set creating a subtle blue glow on the backdrop. As guests arrived for the evening event, the colour changing stage set and high impact moving lighting system created a glamorous entrance. The room was lit in a vivid wash of colour with pinspots highlighting each table centre.

Video and Projection

The video system was designed to allow any combination of slides, pre-recorded videos or live cameras to be fed to any of the screens. When no presentations were taking place or during playback of pre-recorded videos, all three screens showed the same content. Once presentations began, live cameras were mixed onto the side screens with the centre screen showing any slides and graphics. This ensured that all of the delegates got the best possible view of proceedings.

Adlib provided all cameras, screens, switching, projection and playback equipment from their own hire stock and thoroughly tested all of the content prior to arrival on site. It was commented that Liverpool Chamber had never experienced such a smooth running event in terms of the AV transitions and they were particularly impressed with the support of our technicians in delivering such a seamless event.

Countdown timers were provided along with a messaging system to cue presenters on stage.

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